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The Construction Phone Alternative

Key questions to choose the right VoIP provider.

Jim Gustke


Voice over Internet Protocol phone systems help wall and ceiling professionals run their businesses more efficiently compared to traditional phone landlines. This is because VoIP comes with numerous features and benefits already built in, in addition to substantial cost savings.

VoIP enables professionals to communicate over the internet instead of through old copper-wire landline systems, which are becoming relics. When one uses a VoIP phone, they’re not tied to a specific location. They can make and receive business calls from their computer, tablet or smartphone.

To find the right VoIP provider, wall and ceiling professionals should ask these questions.

Do They Offer Features Needed?

Beyond making calls, businesses will need additional features—a mobile app, chat, video conferencing, etc. To determine what’s needed, ask employees who make the most calls—typically sales, marketing or customer care. Once determined, you can better choose the VoIP provider and plan that meets your needs.

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How Easy is it to Set Up Service?

Businesses may need help setting up new technologies, so evaluate how easy it is to set up. Check the VoIP provider’s documentation to see updated manuals, videos and other online resources to make setup easy.

What to ask:

Do you need to buy additional hardware or can you use what you have currently - desk phones, employee laptops and smartphones? Can you install the service yourself or does it require a technician?

Do They Support Remote Work?

Remote working is widespread, and the VoIP provider should support this.

What to ask:

Do they offer mobile apps, making it easy to place and receive calls from preferred devices, and advanced features like video conferencing?

How Much Money Can You Save by Switching to VoIP?

You’ll likely reduce telecommunications costs by switching to VoIP. Use the VoIP Savings Calculator to find out how much you can reduce your monthly bill.

Is it Easy to Manage?

You’ll need management tools and reports to monitor your VoIP service.

What to ask:

Is there a single cloud-based management portal or tool to make changes? Can you make updates, changes or customizations anywhere? What types of reports are there - calling reports, VoIP call quality, etc.?

Is the VoIP Provider Scalable?

Employee turnover happens, and the VoIP service needs to have the ability to be easily scaled.

What to ask:

How long does it take to add a new user? What’s involved in removing a user? How does pricing change as you add or remove users?

How is Voice Quality?

Voice quality is an important factor in choosing a provider.

What to ask:

Do they offer HD voice, which may make it easier to understand people on conference calls? Do they offer handsets, headsets or what devices they support?

Does the VoIP Provider Have a Good Reputation?

Identify VoIP leaders by looking for high ratings from publications like PC Magazine, which annually surveys readers and makes Business Choice Awards.

As wall and ceiling professionals grow their businesses, having a phone system that aligns with the public’s expectations is critical. Unlike traditional landlines, VoIP systems come with powerful features to help you make the right impression the first time.

If you would like additional information about VoIP, download the free guidebook “The Complete Guide to VoIP Systems.”

Image courtesy of Ooma.

Jim Gustke is vice president of marketing at Ooma and is responsible for all aspects of marketing and customer acquisition at the company. He is a marketing and Internet veteran with a wealth of experience at the intersection of consumer and technology marketing. During his career, he has spearheaded marketing initiatives at Intuit, Lexar Media, Ofoto, America Online and Polaroid Corporation. For more information, email