Product Focus on
Product Focus on
— Rainscreens—

Rainscreen Panels
SAF (Southern Aluminum Finishing)
The C-4200 Series Rainscreen Panel is a drained- and back-ventilated ACM panel system designed to eliminate the visual appearance of mechanical fasteners from panel edges. It features a strip of composite material in a reveal between each panel (instead of caulk) for a more uniform appearance. The system is shipped with fabricated panels and “track” extrusions that are ready for assembly on the job site. In addition, the system is engineered to allow moisture to permeate the outside wall but, subsequently, drain through weep holes on each panel frame to keep structures dry. It is available in a large selection of standard colors, metallic finishes, and custom colors. For more information, visit Building Products - SAF.com.

Rainscreen System
Sto Corp.
StoVentec Complete Rainscreen Systems in Glass, Render and Masonry Veneer deliver a seamless air and water-resistive barrier, adjustable sub-construction, continuous insulation, and multiple cladding options. Glass combines proven performance and durability with a wide range of color options and the design flexibility for shapes, patterns, and printed imagery. Render are field installed and flexible, making it simple to achieve unique architectural shapes, including seam-free curved surfaces, not to mention the endless texture and color options. Masonry Veneer offers a classic look with advanced performance, faster and easier install at just a fraction of the weight. For more information, visit stocorp.com/stoventec.

Rainscreen/Stucco Accessories
Stockton Products
The company’s Tru-Weep is a complete line of stucco accessories designed to accommodate drainage mats within stucco assemblies. This product line maximizes drainage and ventilation by aligning the open-air slots with the drainage mat. This product line also prevents the weep holes from clogging with stucco because the slots are located directly under the drainage mat. All nine profiles are fully customizable to ensure the proper ground size and flashing leg requirements are accommodated. Tru-Weep is manufactured in G-90, aluminum, stainless steel, or bonderized (paint-ready). For more information, visit stocktonproducts.com.

Self-adhering Waterproofing Membrane
MFM Building Products
SubSeal-40 is an advanced, 40-mil, self-adhering waterproofing membrane that is engineered to be a multi-purpose sheet suitable for vertical applications, such as behind stucco panels and other exterior sidewall coverings. This membrane is designed for extreme moisture protection and aggressively bonds to poured concrete and other building materials to eliminate the movement of water under the membrane. Designed for use on features such as through-wall flashings, windows, sills, pot shelves, parapet walls and many other applications. It meets ASTM D 1970, ICC-ES ESR-2783 (AC148), and ICC-ES ESR-3980 (AC38), and is AAMA 711 compliant for use around window and door openings. For more information, visit mfmbp.com.

Rainscreen Embedment System
By using ClarkDietrich E-Screen, the water inside the wall is drained away more efficiently and the increased ventilation properties allows the system to dry out more effectively. Its 95 percent open design creates a continuous capillary break and a channel for moisture to drain away from the wall system while accelerating the drying time. The durable polymer material is corrosion-resistant, rust-proof and mildew/mold-resistant. The 2-Ply design is comprised of a backer fabric that deflects the stucco away from the open design and improves the tensile and compressive strength properties of the rainscreen. ClarkDietrich Building Systems | Cold Formed Metal Framing

Rainscreen Z-Girt
Knight Wall Systems
ThermaZee is a new, simple, rainscreen girt that reduces thermal bridging, with thermal performance values over 90 percent effective, dramatically increasing the rainscreen wall assembly performance. It provides specifiers and designers the simplicity of what they already know—Z-furring—with code-compliant performance and reduced thermal bridging that rivals modern thermally isolated clip and rail systems. The product employs a specially designed, hollow, thermal isolation strip attached to its back leg. In addition to the thermal break provided by the strip, the web’s unique punch pattern has a substantial reduction in metal penetrating the insulation, about 75 percent—which decreases heat-flow through the girt. Additionally, the girt is reinforced with notched bends and stiffening lips around the punches for extra strength. For more information, visit knightwallsystems.com.